April 2023

Changing Play 2 DB Configuration At Runtime: Beware of Dragons

Maybe you work for a company that leaves DB passwords in plaintext in configuration files on their servers. You would probably be among the majority. Or maybe your company encrypts passwords in configuration files: Also not that uncommon. What’s not common (in my experience) is having the devops team “transmit” the password to the application …

Changing Play 2 DB Configuration At Runtime: Beware of Dragons Read More »

Play 2.1 Addendum

In my previous post, Play 2.1: The Bloom Is Off The Rose, I talked about several real-world problems I’ve had when using Play 2.1. I’ve since received responses from the Play team which prompted me to continue trying to find solutions to my problems. The outcome is a mixed bag. Almost Immutable Everything In my previous …

Play 2.1 Addendum Read More »

Windows CoffeeScript Auto-Compiler using Groovy and JDK 7 WatcherService

Update: Node.js for Windows has been improved since this post, so this information is obsolete. Last time I checked I was able to run CoffeeScript the same on Windows as I do on Linux and OSX. If you’re using the CoffeeScript compiler for Windows (By Alexey Lebedev) you’ve probably noted a lack of a -w or “–watch” argument. …

Windows CoffeeScript Auto-Compiler using Groovy and JDK 7 WatcherService Read More »

Closures Are in Again

According to Sun, the controversial language feature, Closures, that was previously removed from the JDK 7 feature list has now been added in again (via).  I’m looking forward to the JSR on this one.  While I can’t see it being more elegant that using Scala, it will definitely make certain algorithms much nicer to implement in Java.

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